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If a submission is NSFW, then mark it, please.In the case of questions, have the title include the question.You should be able to understand the general topic of a post without opening the original post.Submissions titled with all capital letters, or sensationalized headlines will be removed.No item advertisements outside the weekly sticky thread.Excessive self-promotion will be removed.Posting irrelevant threads and/or comments that aren’t relevant to the thread, is considered spam.No racism, sexism, ageism or other forms of discrimination, including that due to sexual orientation.Don’t post someone’s personal information, especially if it can be used to harm others.Don’t be rude, harass, threaten and/or insult others.Adhere to standards and behaviors online that you would follow in real life.The English version of the freemium game (NA/EU/Australia) is available on Steam and Glyph.ĪrcheAge: Unchained, a single purchase version, is available as of Octothrough Steam or Glyph. It is available for North American, European, Australian, Russian, and Korean players. NEW TO REDDIT? CLICK HERE! Returning player?ĪrcheAge is a medieval fantasy massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Korean studio, XL Games. Join our Steam group! | Connect to our Discord server!